There was no better place to be last week than in the Swiss capital of Zurich to launch our latest innovation, “Knife”!

Switzerland is the home of the Swiss army knife, a multi-tool that is recognized worldwide for its design and flexibility. The Swiss army knife made sure soldiers were not left stranded on the battlefield. Those involved in casino management often find the “always on” factor of a casino turns it into a business battlefield. CHEETEYE’s Knife will slice and dice your casino operations into graphical components which enable you to identify risk and act immediately. Our vision at CHEETEYE has always been to develop smart software that helps casinos consolidate their data to see anomalies that can’t be easily detected with visual observation e.g. incidents consistently taking place in specific areas, under performing slot machines due to bad lighting or ventilation etc.

If you can’t measure, you can’t manage. However, measurement tools need to be easy to read due to the barrage of information we receive daily. Presenting the information correctly is often the key to great measuring. We’ve taken inspiration from books like “Information is beautiful” and talks by John Maeda to make sure we provide our clients with beauty and innovation. Stay beautiful Switzerland!