Surveillance departments are tasked with protecting the assets of their casinos. Various distractions make it difficult for them to remain completely focused on the task at hand. Assets move in and out of casinos due to a number of reasons e.g. maintenance, repairs etc. The staff entrance and exit of a casino often goes unnoticed by surveillance due to more import areas requiring their attention. The need to collaborate with security and have an electronic system to manage the flow of assets can significantly reduce internal theft which has experienced a sharp rise recently (internal theft was the main theme of the World Game Protection Conference this year).
As software solution providers to the casino surveillance and security industry, we believe that our task is to produce software that empowers casino surveillance and security to effectively fulfill their obligations. We visit casinos and attend appropriate conferences – we listen. Our electronic register (RegEye) which is being used by casinos to manage keys can now also produce and manage electronic waybills. We’re very focused at our task of “protecting with insight”!