In my previous blog I referred to the innovation problems facing Nokia. The problems are around the fact that they do not have a competing smartphone like the iPhone, which according to the Economist is where the profits are: “Nokia ships a third of all handsets, but Apple astonishingly pulls in more than half of the profits, despite having a market share of barely 4%.”… “Nokia has been a highly efficient manufacturing and logistics machine capable of churning out a dozen handsets a second and selling them all over the world. Planning was long-term and new devices were developed by separate teams, sometimes competing with each other – the opposite of what is needed in software, where there is a premium on collaborating and doing things quickly” (“Nokia at the Crossroads” – Economist Feb 12)
Nokia are now looking at partnering with software giant Mircosoft so we should see a competing smartphone released from their stable soon.
We’re learning:
- to use the advantage we have as casino surveillance software developers i.e. collaborate and do things quickly
- to work closely with gaming manufacturers e.g. we recently completed an integration project with IGT that pulls relevant information into our Cheeteye dataveillance solution. This has empowered our users to collaborate and make quick decisions, a necessary requirement in the world of casino surveillance
- we are an important link between the world of casino surveillance software and gaming manufacturers, just like Microsoft will be to Nokia