Category Archives: Food & Beverage

How to deal with the food and beverage force

Casino Food & Beverage

Casino food and beverage outlets are under attack. Like the gaming floor, cash transactions come hard and fast, presenting opportunities for employee theft and customer manipulation. Our data suggests the average casino is losing over $2 million per year on food and beverage (F&B), and the scary part is most casinos don’t have any idea where and how it is occurring and who is doing it! FBEYE does, and we’re very excited to see the impact our latest addition to the CHEETEYE family is having.

FBEYE was recently used to analyze 371 employees at a casino and extract the top 20 in terms of suspicious activity that was defined by a certain list of criteria. The total for these 20 employees over this period was 15250 transactions, with a total of 4718 triggers.

To put these numbers into perspective, we looked at the last 50 employees at the “good” end of this list. The total number of transactions was 18332 and the number of triggers…

Wait for it…


In fact, at the bottom end of the table (or “good” end), there were 60 employees with no triggers, followed by 25 with 1 trigger, and 21 with 2 triggers. The totals at this end of the list were, 106 employees, 31358 transactions and only 67 triggers. The triggers were analyzed and within the first month of use the customer was able to bust scams that had been costing them significant amounts of money.

As Willy Allison from World Game Protection said, “Food and beverage revenue is becoming a higher revenue stream than gaming and is a force to be reckoned with.” What are you doing to contend with the force?